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Does anyone know if there are any other times where pregnancy is an option besides the one with Iris in Part 1 and Claire in the 1.8 update for Part 2?

So this is not a sandbox game?

Nope. I wanted it to be one towards the beginning, but it didn't work out too well 

ohh okay, gotcha. Still a great game tho :)

Hello there. I wanted to let you know that I tried this AVN again only to find that the saves dont work. As in I started up part 2, got a fair way through it, tried to reload after shaving Iris's head and the save went right back to the start of part 2 again instead of right there on the screen with the choices.

I must add that I have become very disappointed with 'Trouble In Paradise' since Part 2 started. Not only does the save process fail to work but when I start a new game and make my choices on what I want in the story, the whole thing seems to repeat itself! I got all the way to the club and killed Evelyn and then it just seemed to reset a bit later and start all over again!

I think something is very wrong!

Its a shame because I loved Part 1.

(1 edit)

Hey there.
Ren'Py's autosave should make a save before every choice and label, afaik. Even if you didn't save manually, there's a high chance that an autosave exists that will let you go back to where you were.

Did your manual saves not work either? Did it show some kinda error?
A traceback log would be really helpful if you have one!

(1 edit) (-1)

Manual save did not work. No error message. Didn't see any traceback log, dont know what that is.

At this stage I am inclined to let the matter rest. As I said I have not enjoyed this AVN since Part 2 came out.

I won't try to sell you on something you've grown disenchanted with.
I will take a look into the save situation though! Thanks for the report!

Your welcome and thank you for the good times.

wait, so lets say i install part 1. (ver. 1.0) and then part 2 standalone (ver.1.8). so what happens if i then want to install part 2 update  (ver. 1.9) in the future? will it replace the previous 1.8 and move the saves over? will the part1 still work properly?

You'd have to stick with the standalone branch for 1.9. Update branch will replace P1.
You should be able to safely update from 1.8 to 1.9 in the standalone branch, though. And it won't affect P1

Just stumbled upon this game today. Do I need to download part 1 or something?

Yes. Part 2 picks up right after the end of P1

Is there a link to part 1? Please and thanks.

Code to unlock scenes?

find it on his patreon; but its pretty easy to unlock all scenes. even in a single playthrough

I'm having a problem where every save loads into the point with the photo before they tell the story of how they met to their kid of how they met, early part 2. It remembers where I was enough that I can skip to where I saved, but that's hardly enjoyable. (Hopefully being vague to avoid any potential spoiling is still clear enough). 

I'm on Android, version 1.7. 

Hey, sorry about that. I'll look into it. Are you on the standalone branch or the update branch?

I'm not 100% sure, but I think I would've chosen the update version.

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