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Hey just downloaded and installed the version 1.4 update and it wont advance past the last scene of 1.3 when the chimera asks to get all the info on the mc's best friend. What should i do about this

that is the final scene of 1.4 if i recall.

so the update I received was the same copy as as.the last update. My last save.file was on October 15 2023. According to this dev log.this was supposed to be a new update or was it just a copy of the previous update. Maybe a revised edition with better coding or images. I can't belive I got a early edition before it came out is all. 

Man, I've been waiting for so long for an update so short? I'm sure you have your reasons but imho there's too much sex and too little story in this update...

Nonetheless happy hollidays everybody !

well theres not really too much left to tell it seems, honestly.


It's giving a download error as in 


And it stops

Please help I want to play the game


I hope game is not dead, it would be bad(

it isn't.


Stopped playing after the Chloe date.

I hope some day the "no NTR/only virgin heroines" crowd realize the damage they've done to the AVN community during its early period. In line with that sentiment, I should you commend you for the bravery of giving Claire the backstory she has - just seeing something like that is part of your world elevates it, making me, the player, thing that nothing is off the table for the other heroines. Anna's past, while different, also deserves praise. Dark elements like those elevate games, in my opinion.

Alongside them, the most valuable heroine of the game has to be Iris by far. The "partner in crime" vibe of their relationship is really well achieved. I however stopped playing due to her being a forced romance. If that's the story you want to tell, all the power to you, just not a the flavor I like that much. If someone like sister heroines, by all means this game is for you.

I questioned the need of having be friends with benefits with the barista girl a fake choice, only to provide a real one down the line - however, it served as a good heads up that forced romance was coming, so overall its ok. If anything, the option to end things with some heroines was a welcome surprise. Again, I was kinda sad we didn't get one for who I really wanted it, Iris, however I get that relationship is needed for the story you want to tell.

Violet is great, however her asking for long-term commitment... I don't know if you as an author set her up for rejection with that, or if you have a great grasp on her character, since her wanring a longer relationship than the one she had with Liam makes sense.

I like Ethan, was kinda hoping you could set him up with someone haha. 

Ava interested me, only started to develop by the time I stopped playing - maybe I'll pick it back up again later down the line! Good luck, and cheers!


yapper of the year

Its a hentai game what did you expect. Chloe can be avoided if you decide to and you can decide for it not to be ntr in one of the choices. iris literally is the closest to the mc in the game (they literally grew up together) so it was kind of expected anyway.  You can decide to leave a relationship where it is if you don't want the mc to be close to a character such as the barista. I know you probably mean well but please validate yourself before stating something. <3

Oh no, I've got no issue with Chloe - quite liked her actually - just mentioned her to indicate up to what point I played.


Ah i get you mb. Hope you have fun playing the game :3

Does anyone know how to get the gallery scene after the bunny scene with Chole?


Can someone teach me how to incest in detail 


After extracting the game files and downloading the patch, you need to move the patch into the "TroubleinParadise-1.0.0-" folder, then again, then move it into the "game" folder found within. That's where the patch needs to end up. Then just run the TroubleinParadise application, about 10 clicks in, after you can input a custom name for Iris, the game will confirm you have the patch installed and give you a choice about what you want her to be, before introducing the MC. If you see that, you did it well, if not you have to try again.

(1 edit)

Is part 2 a separate game? Or is the story from Part 1 still in there, just followed by part 1?

Also is the Incest Patch from 1.0 compatible with 1.3? I downloaded this a while ago, and can't wait to see the new story!

Buenas soy nuevo he jugado la primera parte del juego y es bastante fascinante me gusta mucho también necesito algo de ayuda cuando juego la parte 1 cuando el mc le dice a Tiffany que es realmente todo va bien pero en su escena de sexo cuando pasan a la fase 3 no deja avanzar y la parte inferior donde está para guardar cargar preferencia y para saltar se quitan y no deja hacer nada también pasa algo similar con Alyssa no se si será porque puse el parche para ponerlo en español me pueden ayudar con esto por favor 

Definitivamente es algo de tu parte, no todos entienden español, por lo que no se trabaja mucho en la traducción, pero tal vez intentes reinstalarla, ¿ver si eso ayuda?


Is there going to be a part 3? I finished pt1 and just finished pt2

part 2 isn't completed yet. version 1.4 is up on syko's patreon right now.

This is the first review I’ve made on this site before, I just want to say I love the game and it was definitely worth the 7 gigs. I look forward to seeing how the game goes, you did a wonderful job on this game part 1 & 2. Keep up the good work!


first time i left a review on a game on this site but I had to leave one on this game. I loved this game because of the story, in fact i skipped the sex scenes just to continue on with the story. It had me invested to the point where I cared deeply for the characters the MC cared about especially Iris. Please continue with the epic storyline I am waiting impatiently for more updates with part 2.

In part 2 if I try to load saves it always brings me back to the beggining. Any way to fix that?

you can't load saves created in part 1.

What I meant was that when I make a save in part 2 and try to load it always brings me to the beggining of part 2 :(

I see. soemtimes it'll glitch like that, start again > skip to said save > try overwriting save again.

Never mind disregard

Is there a walkthrough


Quick shoutout for the first Violet scene in Part 1. By that point I was more on the skeptical side about your writing style to say the least, but that whole scene showed me that you weren't just coming up with things as you were going and instead ready to sacrifice immediate results for the long run, I bet this translate into more aspects of the game later on.

Hope I have the time to play it.

100%. only gets better.

(1 edit)

Do you need the incest patch for incest to be available on android version if so do you have to add it to both part

(1 edit)

yep. but you only need to add it to part 1

(1 edit)

I dont understand why there is a 3gb and another is a part 2 nearly 900 mb for the android... Should i install part 1 or part 2 is same but compressed?what is standalone and update for the part 2 apk?? And does the android version already has incest patch?

The 3g is for part 1 of the game and 900mb is for part 2 they are both different game if you want install them together its find they did this so they can avoid making the app to large for android I think? Well you already see it's all ready  so 3g its gonna be very hard for android user that has low storage. And yes its already has the incest patch you can pick if you want to disable it or not at the start of the game.

thanks mate 😁

Where can you find a walkthrough? id hate to mess up/miss any story lines

(2 edits)

there isn't an official walkthrough. most of the time the game tells you if a certain choice will block other characters paths anyways.

Do need to download the incest patch to play on Android?


Is there a walkthrough for this game


how do you get tips?

tips for what?

I want to check this out, but I see it's a part 2. Where can I find part one, or is part 1 and 2 all together?

they're 2 seperate files you can access in the downloads section of this page.

Thank you

(2 edits)

A question on versioning: Is part 2 complete but just receiving bug fixes? I see it's at version 1.2. Or would version 2.0 indicate that part 2 is complete? 

For others wondering about the game, give it a go! It's great! The first part of part 1 is a little meh with the writing. But push through. The game gets SOOO good. Lots of branching paths and scenes. Some elements are a bit gimmicky when first introduced, but really are a pretty neat addition in all. I'll leave it at that to be as spoiler free as possible. This game has made it's way into my "based" private collection. ha!

Some feedback that may or may not contain spoilers (keeping in mind I'm mid play through part 1. So things may change):

- Dialog during sex scenes is written very "porn" like. With little more than stuff like "oh yeah- that feels good" or the like. Would be cool to spice dialog up slightly. Especially with Iris. Some dirty talk isn't everyone's cup of tea though. So I get why this could be subjective.

- The writing for the beginning sections of part 1 is kinda weak. The author even jokes about it at some points. The self disparaging is unbecoming for what is ultimately a great game. :)

- Sometimes character interactions can feel "too easy", especially early on. I'd like to see some angst about the dire or incestuous situation characters find themselves in. Although this point is admittedly subjective and has some story explanations eventually.

Great work Syko!

when the part 2 reaches v2.0, the game will be complete. for now its still ongoing. 


God, this game. It's a masterpiece. I was smiling, hurting, the whole nine yards with the first part. After the cliffhanger with version 6 I wanted to wait till it was completed. And I'm glad I did, absolutely phenomenal story. You've really outdone yourself Syko. Been following this project for a while and I'm at a loss for words to describe my experience. I honestly think this is one of if not THE best game I've played, good scenes, good story, good interactions. It's beautifully done in all aspects. I can't wait for more and more. Keep this project alive dude. It's amazing

there doesn't seem to be a new game option? Just loading in a save but I haven't played yet so I don't have any

ah, figured it out, I only had part two downloaded for some reason

Do we need to redownload the patch for part 2 as well?

no, everything and every choice will carry over.


Is this game are finished




Kind of depends on what you mean by finished. Like if chapters of a book were being released, is it finished once the book is complete even though it is only 1 book of a large series?

"No NTR whatsoever planned but the game contains avoidable scenes from the past that involve LI's with other men than the MC ."

Does this mean there are no girls without earlier men?


you see the love interests with past boyfriends, but by NTR he means no actual sex. you can choose to view or avoid ONE scene with a love interest having sex in the past.


So not all of the girls have past boyfriends? Good.


Just out of curiosity: last year updates were released almost monthly, but now? Only silence...

Has this game been abandoned?


nope, dev's just taking a break for his mental health. updates are suspected soon!

Oh, ok - I hope Dev's getting better! No rush! Thx for the Info 👍

what is this whole incest patch thing about?

changes iris from your best friend to your sister

 different dialogue.

Is there a part 1 to this game

both parts are in the downloads folder


Like the older girls but for the love of sweet baby Jesus when do we see the 'mom' getting properly destroyed!

isnt apk size limit 2 gb  why is version 1 3gb will it install??

it will.

(1 edit) (+2)

Hi, I played this game some time ago, is the main story finished? There is pregnant sex and which character has pregnant sex?

part 2 is avaliable, 

also no-one has pregnant sex but *spoilers*

Iris gets pregnant between the end of part 1 and the start of part 2


was wondering if theres anything special to get part 2 to work as i have a save from v 0.10.0

it should automatically carry over to part 2, you dont need to install part 1 for it to work.

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